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Aussie Med Ed- Podcast

RACGP Re-Accreditation

Some of Aussie Med Ed episodes are accredited for RACGP re-accreditation.

This list is increasing regularly and the following activities have  been approved for RACGP CPD - accredited activity

To complete - click on registration link after listening
remember to provide RACGP member number, Surname and email

Note the following episodes have been approved as suitable for CPD:-

Mental Health - treatment of depression (1hr)
Stroke- acute management of stroke at a tertiary institution (1hr)
Navigating the Complexities of Renal Tumors with Dr. Mark Lloyd (1 hr)
Palliative Medicine with Professor Greg Crawford (1 hr)
Decoding Shoulder Pain: Dr Gavin Nimon's insights on Diagnosis and Treatment (0.5hr)
Cochlear Implants and Hearing Loss: With ENT Surgeon Dr Paul Varley (0.5 hr)

After listening or watching the episode, click on the link in the podcast information, which will take you to a survey to complete so as to automatically be registered for the appropriate period.